The European Committee on Telepathology was founded during the 6th
International Congress on Quantitative Diagnostic Pathology held in
Basels, 1989. It was first considered to be an active group of
pathologists to support the creation of so-called Telepathology Centres in
various European States, and has now developed into an independent working
group within the European Society of Pathology. The International Academy
of Telepathology (IAT) (
or, a non-profit organization located in
Heidelberg, Germany, was founded in 2002, as an international organization
focusing on all aspects of telecommunication in Pathology.
The first European Congress on Telepathology was organized here in
Heidelberg in 1992, and was the first medical congress dealing solely
with telepathology. It followed Paris in 1994 and Zagreb in 1996.... In
this page we have compiled information available from the previous
telepathology congress editions:
1st European Symposium on Telepathology
Heidelberg, Germany
July 20-21, 1992.
Proceedings: Zentralbl Pathol. 1992 Dec;138(6):381-434.
(Zentralblatt für
Pathologie currently does not have a website)
(not active)
2nd European Conference on Telepathology
Paris-Dijon, France.
9,11 June 1994.
Proceedings: Arch Anat Cytol Pathol. 1995;43(4):189-304.
(not active)
3rd European
Meeting on Telepathology (2º
Announc. PDF)
June 21-22nd, 1996
(not active)
4th European Congress on
Udine, Italy.
June 19-20, 1998.
Proceedings: Adv Clin Path. 1998 Apr;2(2):127-189.
5th European Congress on Telepathology
Aurich, Germany
July 21st-22nd, 2000
(not active)
(under the patronage of S. Gabriel, president of Lower Saxony)
(Aurich, Lower Saxony :Townhall 20. – 23. July 2000)
6th Congress of the European Group of Telepathology
(8th Congress of ESACP, the 15th International Congress of ISDQP and the 6th
Congress of the European Group of Telepathology)
Heraclion, Crete, Greece.
14-21 September 2002.
Proceedings: Anal Cell Pathol. 2002;24(6):181-231.
7th European Congress on Telepathology & 1st International Congress on
Virtual Microscopy
Poznan, Poland
July 8-11 2004,
8th European Congress on Telepathology and 2nd International Congress on
Virtual Microscopy
Budapest, Hungary
July 6-8, 2006