1) Information Technology.
Telepathology technologies
Images, databases
Pathology Image Processing
Quantitative telepathology
Grid technology
Biomedical informatics
IT Standards and Pathology
Computer and Internet technology
Human-Computer interaction
Web services for Pathology
Semantic web and Pathology
Decision support systems
Knowledge management
Pathology Information Systems
Mobile technology
Electronic Health Records
Automation in Pathology Lab
Privacy and security
2) Telepathology applications.
Practical use of informatics in Pathology
Telepathology performance
How to apply telepathology
Interdisciplinary telepathology
Organ and cell related telepathology
- Teaching and medical continuing education
3) eHealth and Pathology.
- Impact of telepathology in health organizations
- eHealth and telepathology
- Pathology in National eHealth projects
- Modelling and simulation
- Human performance
- Accessibility, telepathology for all
- History, recent developments and future of telepathology
- Change management in Pathology
4) Telepathology organization.
- Telepathology centres and networks
- Virtual telepathology institutions
- Telepathology and developing countries
- Legal aspects
- Economical aspects
5) Virtual Microscopy technology
- Digital slide formats
- Slide scanners and technologies
- Imaging and visualization
- Integrating digital slides with Pathology Information
- Digital slide and artificial intelligence
- Perspectives of future development
6) Virtual Microscopy applications.
- Tools in virtual pathology
- 3-Dimensional
virtual slides
- Virtual slides, digital atlases and data sharing
- Virtual microscopes
- Digital tissue based diagnosis, diagnosis assistance
- Digital histology laboratory concepts and realization
- Tissue micro-array (TMA)
- Biostatistic applications
- E-teaching and electronic publications
- E-learning and virtual slides
- Virtual laboratory
- Enterprise information systems and PACS
- Virtual slide and globalization
- Human performance in virtual microscopy
- Continuous education
- Quality assurance
- Legal aspects
- Economical aspects