Case |
Author |
Clinical Information |
Virtual slides |
Final Diagnosis |
1 |
Dr. Francesc
Hospital del
Mar. Barcelona. |
Vesical tumor in a 67 female. Urine cytology. Nephrectomy due to
lithiasis 22 years earlier. |
High-grade urothelial carcinoma with extensive squamous
differentiation |
2 |
Dr. Federico
Hospital de El
Escorial. Madrid. |
Renal tumor 32 mm in a 77 male. FNAC. |
Renal tubular mucinous and fusocellular carcinoma |
3 |
Dr. Miguel
Espirito Santo. Évora. Portugal |
Ma neck mass since 14 years ago in a 72 y.o. male.
Satellite nodules in upper back Bowel movement habit changes. |
Medullary thyroid carcinoma |
4 |
Dr. Domingo
de Agustín.
Hospital Central
de la Defensa.
Madrid. |
Mediastinic enlargement and probable pulmonary nodule
in a 68 male, smoker. |
Small cell carcinoma of the lung (mediastinal node metastases) |
5 |
Dra. Beatriz
Hospital de
Cruces. Bilbao. |
Diffuse encephalic atrophy in a Guinean patient
57 y.o. in neurologic coma. Spine fluid cytology. |
Filariasis |
6 |
Dr. Javier
Hospital San
Cecilio. Granada. |
46 y.o. female with bilateral pulmonary infiltrates
under study. No other findings. Bronchooalveolar lavage. |
Lipoid pneumonitis |
7 |
Dr. José Juan Fernández de Mera.
Universitario Perpetuo Socorro. Badajoz. |
Supraclavical nodule in a female with previous history
of mastectomy due to breast lobular carcinoma . |
Metastatic breast lobular carcinoma, histiocitoid variant |
8 |
Dra. Carmen
García Macías
Hospital Clínico
Universitario. Salamanca. |
Female, 78, well delimited nodule in her breast,
suspicious for malignancy (Bi-rads 5). FNAC. |
Suspicious for well differentiated infiltrating ductal carcinoma |
9 |
Dr. Ernesto
García Ureta.
Hospital Juan
Canalejo. A Coruña. |
Female, 69 with a lesion in maseteric region. FNAC. |

Porocarcinoma |
10 |
Dr. Juan
Antonio Jiménez Heffernan.
Hospital de la
Zarzuela. Madrid. |
FNAC of mass of the orbit rapidly growing in a
female with a history of retinoblastoma. |
Osteosarcoma (post-radiation) |
11 |
Dra. Pilar
López Ferrer.
Universitario La Paz. Madrid. |
Right supraclavicular tumor in a male, 54.

Metastasis of hepatocarcinoma |
12 |
Dra. Dolores
López Presa.
Hospital Santa
María. Lisboa. Portugal. |
Thyroid enlargment with normal lab tests in a male
witha history of bronchiectasis Thyroid FNAC. |

Amyloid goiter |
13 |
Dra. Mª Luz
Martín Fragueiro.
Hospital de
Fuenlabrada. Madrid. |
FNAC of right thyroid lobule 6-7 cm, fixed, with
progressive enlargement in a 46 female. |
Poorly differentiated carcinoma (insular carcinoma) of the thyroid |
14 |
Dra. Ana Mª Puig.
Hospital de
Puertollano. Ciudad Real. |
Upper lip mass rapidly growing in a 79 male. |
Renal cell carcinoma |
15 |
Dr. Rufo
Rodríguez Merlo.
Hospital Virgen
de la Salud. Toledo. |
Osteolytic lession in L5 in a 25 y.o. female .
Suspicious of expansive process. |
Pigmented villonodular synovitis |
16 |
Dr. Vicente
Salinas Martín.
Universitario Virgen del Rocío. Sevilla. |
Nodule rapidly growing in pre-auricular region in a 48
female, without history on interest. FNAC. |
Metastasis of melanoma |